Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Do guys perfer pinstraight hair, wavy hair, or curly hair???


Do guys perfer pinstraight hair, wavy hair, or curly hair???

Since we are all different, I would imagine each individual male would have different likes and dislikes. ( dayum, is this that hard?)

Do guys perfer pinstraight hair, wavy hair, or curly hair???


Do guys perfer pinstraight hair, wavy hair, or curly hair???

straight hair is best...

Do guys perfer pinstraight hair, wavy hair, or curly hair???

Dosn't make any difference.

Do guys perfer pinstraight hair, wavy hair, or curly hair???

Different men like different looks.....blond, brunette, redhead, dark black hair.....and all you listed..........It depends on the man.

Do guys perfer pinstraight hair, wavy hair, or curly hair???

curly is sexy as h-ll

Do guys perfer pinstraight hair, wavy hair, or curly hair???

It really depends on the girl. You can have any style, cut, or texture of hair, it just all depends on the attiTUDE. Sexy is how you feel, and it shows on the outside. Everyone is attracted to different things, so these answers will all be different! My hubby likes my pin-straight hair, as well as when I scrunch it up, Or spiral curls. It's all about YOU, not so much the hair... : )

(Although he says I need to keep it LONG)

Do guys perfer pinstraight hair, wavy hair, or curly hair???


Do guys perfer pinstraight hair, wavy hair, or curly hair???

Each woman is different. What is right for some women is not for others. In general I prefer long hair on women. Straight, wavy, some layering, whatever. Down to the middle of the back and to the belt line is lovely; IMHO.

Do guys perfer pinstraight hair, wavy hair, or curly hair???

My ex-bf LOVED my curly hair and thought that razor straight hair was, in his words, "boring". I should also note he was a hair designer! But in the end, I feel it's what looks BEST on you.

Do guys perfer pinstraight hair, wavy hair, or curly hair???


Do guys perfer pinstraight hair, wavy hair, or curly hair???

Dont worry about what guys prefer. Be your own woman. Wear your hair the way YOU like it.

Hack ace is right, too

Do guys perfer pinstraight hair, wavy hair, or curly hair???

depends on the chick but i prefer the curly hair chicks black haired ones with Jennifer Connolly like faces kind of exotic like but not short its gotta be long but I don't like pin straight, wavy works too. hope I helped

Do guys perfer pinstraight hair, wavy hair, or curly hair???

slightly wavy

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